Puppies That “Steal”


So, we’ve all been through it, some of us are still in it but we just wanted to drop in this morning to share some tips and tricks about those cheeky puppies!

First of all, our pups are learning! They can’t be told how something feels or tastes, so they explore with their mouths! This is where we then see them “stealing” things

Here at HQ, we don’t perceive a stealing puppy as a naughty puppy, it is simply an exploring and learning puppy! Auroras latest obsession is the toilet rolls! They’re soft, squishy, fun to shred and fit perfectly in her mouth!

Now we have our fair share of other things and articles of clothing that she likes to pinch, but that’s only when we set her up to fail! Everything she likes is put up out of reach, she’s given substitutes for what she’s wanting and we’re all happy! if she does happen to find something we don’t want her to have, we have a little plan in place

One of the biggest things that happens is we take chase of the puppy, as they zoom past us with the thing.. this becomes an even better game of keeping’s off! Which a lot of puppies love to play and can actually encourage the behaviour!

So how do we get these things back from the little learning land sharks?

  • Do not chase! Appreciate they have something and head to the fridge for some cheese, or the toy basket for their favourite toy!

  • Make finding something fun! Oh my gosh, look what you have! I love that, may I have it back? We say things like this in a super bubbly, fun and exciting away! This gets the pups excited and attentive

  • We then swap it out!

Teach the puppies that finding something cool and then bringing to show you pays out! Offer them that tasty snack or wind up those squeaky toys, when puppy drops the thing they have “YES” and give them the treaties or play a little game with the toy! This way you won’t have to chase a zooming puppy around the back yard, in the rain, with socks on!

When it comes to substituting items, try and match the texture of the article as best you can!

  • Toilet Paper - swap out for a bon bon of newspaper inside a cardboard tube

  • Socks and Undies - swap out for a toy with no stuffing!

  • TV remotes - swap out for a harder chew like a cow hoof, or a Moo Tube

  • Slippers or Crocs - swap them out for a soft or latex toy!

We hope this has given all those puppy pawrents a little insight on managing a totally normal behaviour. But as always, we’re just a message away! Especially if you’re struggling to find suitable substitutes for those little toothie pegs and need a smidge of guidance


The Changes for Behavioural Consultations