Owner and Trainer

Growing up I was active in regular classes with our family Golden Retrievers and Cocker Spaniel with the lovely Rita Lynd who is still to this day a huge support and mentor. Having animal loving parents started me off on the right foot to be where I am today. I was known as the animal whisperer at school and can always be found picking up a range of feathered and furred friends from around the property. After some unsettling events in my final years at school I struggled with mental health complications and started to hit rock bottom. Luckily Fly came into my life, changing things for the better.

Fly the Border Collie was our Queen Bee, and the reason we love what we do. Since her sudden passing in June, we hold her memory close, the treasured moments dearly and continue the legacy she left behind with our wonderful family. Pictured is our new addition, Aurora who you will frequently see alongside our Eric.

Our service collection pairs beautifully with our role as an Assistance Dog Trainer at Care Dogs and Co, providing the coast with compassionate, certified and kind dog training. Along with being able to provide the coast with the most up to date and certified knowledge, through holding a Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training. I am also a proud member of the Institue of Modern Dog Trainers.

A huge highlight and honour it is to also add that A Bark Above were the winners of the Small Business Champion Awards in the Pet Training Sector for 2024. To whom nominated us, I cannot thank you enough and to the panel of judges that deemed us a winner, its beyond our wildest dreams to be held at such a level of recognition.

We look forward to finding the perfect program for you and your pooch and working alongside your family to reach your goals for you, and your dog through our diverse range of services.

- Isabella and the Pack at A Bark Above

My Certifications:

  • Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training through AVT.

  • Certified in Canine Nutrition and Health through Canine Principles.

  • Fear Free Certified Professional Animal Trainer

  • Grief Coach for Pet Loss

  • Certified Canine Behavioural Consultant - in process

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Queen Bee

Fly came home at four and a half weeks old and together we began our exciting life. She was the ultimate puppy due to her very early departure from the litter. She destroyed everything, got into the most mischief and creating all sorts of havoc together with her big-little sister, Darcy. I had plans to train Fly to be able to run with my horse and I, but after finding out she had joint issues at six months of age, we changed our plan to focus on having a well-trained, well-mannered and socially acceptable dog. We attended local classes, practiced at home and gave all to become the best team we could! It soon became more than just a well-trained dog goal and I found a perfect passion through the beautiful bond we share.

Fly has shown me so much love and loyalty, passion and hope, which led us to being on this exciting pathway! Before her passing, she had hit full time retirement and passed the lead and treat pouch onto her other pack members. Fly’s main focus was on quality control of all our accessories, treats, chews and stock in our store. Retirement has been well earned, not only being the best girl here with us, she also was a Delta Therapy Dog, a mentor and role model for our puppies, Festival Friend Support Dog, Caravanning Expert and a musical production member - there wasn’t much Fly missed in her life with us. Though it was cut short, and we have missed many of the things Fly done over her years with us, she will be forever remembered, honoured and treasured for eternity while her legacy lives on.


Eric joined our family mid 2023 through a foster failure situation. But it was so far from a failure, he was only supposed to stay temporarily but he just fitted into the family perfectly and we both just fell in love with him. He was a shy, reserved and nervous boy in the beginning from his past. But within a few months he began to settle, learning what this life was about and all the opportunities that flowed through his new world.

He soon became a quirky, entertaining and spritely lad, quickly becoming an active member in all aspects of our business. Joining us in our classes as a mentor, a Festival Friend, Agfest demonstration dog and the main boy I focused my learning onto. He is smart, intuitive and eager to learn so he has opened up endless possibilities for us and our own professional development here at A Bark Above.

He took over from Fly once she hit full time retirement and stepped into the role with ease. He is also the newest addition to join the Delta Therapy Dog family, spending time at the Emergency Department at the local hospital.


Introducing, Aurora. The newest member and the heart healer, bearing a name symbolising the beginning of a beautiful journey, and endless possibilities that lie ahead. This little one joined out family in July after the devasting loss of our Fly. Opening my heart up to a new little treasure was what was needed to help heal the hole that was left behind by Fly.

Baby Rora has an increasingly bright future as part of our family and the business. Hitting milestones and succeeding in all aspects of training, she really is a perfect girl.

Aurora is the perfect addition to our family, and she has been the brightest light in darkest times. She has been blessed by the Queen Bee herself, wearing a kiss of brown down her cheek with honour.

Joining our clients on the journey that is puppy hood has created a new outlook for the services we provide, and we are excited to walk the puppy pathway with you.