Positive Connections and your Vet

Building a positive connection to your vet clinic, and groomers has so many added benefits!

Your pup learns that good things also happen while there and tasty snacks appear!

  • Gone are the days of dragging them through the door, or carrying the big bubbas in!

  • Positive associations built in the early days, can help make the not so pleasant things a little more bearable if they ever arise..

  • Us veterinary staff get to engage, love on and help create those positive connections too!!

So how do we begin to work on these positive connections?

  • Pop into your local clinic with a treat pouch of high value treats. Start just in the car park, feed them some treats and toddle over to the door. If it’s not hectic inside, pop on in and feed some more snacks, the team will more than likely ask if they too can love on your pup - this is where the real magic happens!

  • For vaccination appointments or other medical things, look into a lickimat, snuffle mat or even a Kong type option. Anything that creates licking, sniffing or chewing is going to be your best friend! Have these pre made, locked and loaded so when you settle into the consult room, break them out and get the puppy nose in and having a ball!

  • Take time, arrive a little early and don’t rush. Give puppy the time to sniff outside, there’s so much information and feedback they’re absorbing. Don’t force them.. if it’s possible, allow them to have a say! We’re all for giving the dogs choices in life, if they don’t want in then that’s okay! There is always a way around it! Pop puppy back into the car at the let the team know, they’ll be more than happy to find another option!

I have been exceptionally fortunate to work in environments where I can bring my pups to work with me, while having the opportunity to do regular training and sessions in the clinic environment! Aurora loves her clinic days, drags ME through the door and is super excited to see all her favourite people!

We don’t know if we can stress this any harder in our classes, sessions, general conversations or to the clients I see at the clinic. But boy, oh boy is it important for your pup to learn! Even those adult poochies can have positive connections begin at any stage and then help make those vet visits that bit smoother and easier for all involved

If you’re wondering the best plan of action or wanting a little guidance then just send us a message! We’re always happy to chat about the best boys and girls on the coast and how to make their lives better.


The Fear Period


A Little Backstory