Building a Solid Recall

We say it in class and can’t say it enough - A Recall is the most important thing you can teach your dog!

Why do we need a solid recall?

  • SAFETY! Simple, it’s a safety feature that is so, so valuable to your dog, and your life in so many aspects… like here, I dropped the lead.. oops! But with her favourite tuggie, and a solid recall foundation down, I had no worries about her coming back!

What things do we need to set up for success?

  • 5m long line! Preferably one with an ethical background.

  • Rewards! So many tasty snacks, always! also the use of a tuggie toy!

  • In the early days, a low distraction environment! Save the beaches and adventures for a little later, once you’ve got some foundations down first

How do we teach a Recall?

  • We start off with teeny, tiny baby steps in a calm, low distraction environment - like your lounge room! First things first, establishing a positive connection to their name! Say their name, give them a tasty treat and encourage some tuggie time!

  • Once they’re learning that responding to their name means good things happen, you then add in the movement! Take a few steps backwards, say their name and reward straight away! No need to ask for sits, manners can come later!

  • PRACTICE! Practice this lots and lots! Once you start seeing them zooming back and choosing you as an option, then we slowly add in the rest of the world!

If you’re after some more in depth guidance on teaching a recall, send us a message to find out about our options! From advice and private consultations to group programs, there’s something for everyone.


Fear Free Certified Professional


The Changes for Behavioural Consultations