Teething Puppies

With Baby Rory hitting us full swing as we move through the stages of teething, she’s sure keeping us on our toes to keep up! You will find that most puppies will fluctuate on what they look to chew on, soft things like Ugg boots can then jump to harder things like the tv remote. We’re on this ride with you, we get it!

Rory was shredding plants, finding rocks, the couch is a good target, and she was into everything any chance she gets. We slip up and she’s off! I never blame her for these slips, it’s strictly our fault! Puppyhood is a joy, but the fact that they learn through their mouth can be a little challenging

Prevention is the best method, anything the puppy is finding delightful just pop up out of reach and offer a substitute and a suitable outlet! One big thing we can’t stress enough if you puppy has something you don’t want them to have, don’t chase them for it! That’s a wicked fun game of keeping’s off and that makes it even harder to get back.. Offer a swap out, something of greater value usually does the trick! Pay that cheese tax!

Finding suitable outlets to substitute their needs is also vital! Some things we are finding helpful for Aurora are:

  • Puppy BonBon with a toilet roll, treats and news paper for the shredding outlet in place of the pot plants

  • Marrow chews in place of the tv remote when she’s looking for a harder

  • cold meaty bone to shred and gnaw on in stead of a piece of wood

  • plenty of varied textures toys in rotation! Especially when she’s hunting down the socks, Ugg boots and undies

  • KONGS! Plenty of Kong options to have prepped, packed and ready to go! If your pup is familiar with them, try freezing. The licking of a frozen Kong will help to give them a calming outlet, plus the coldness is great for soothing those sore gums!

Another thing we can’t stress enough is don’t hype them up when they’re in that crazy chewy phase.. this is where you’ll get nipped, jumped at and at times, hurt! Having a working breed puppy, she’s very mouthy.. so no handsy handsy games with that bitey face!

If you’re having some difficult times finding out suitable comparative items for outlets, send us a message! We’d love to help set you up with a wonderful tool kit for your little one to have something variety.


Creating a Calm Car Pup


The Fear Period